Looking for, and recommendations of, garages & specialised service suppliers

This forum is for either sourcing, or recommending, garages, mechanics, or other specialised trades relevant to your Saab (such as wheel refurb, sprayers, electrical gremlin hunters etc).

Moderator: Tech-II

Forum rules
You must include your location, and where relevant car model, in your thread title.
Traders may respond to a request for a service, but must not proactively tout their activities/skills in this forum.

Thread titles should contain "Wanted" vs "Recommended", the relevant service, & your location (unless it's a postal/remote service). e.g. "Wanted, Alloy wheel refurb, Birmingham". Please add as much detail as you can to the thread.

UKSaabs does not take any responsibilty for the quality of any recommendations or advice.

Traders may respond to a request for a service but must not proactively tout their activities/skills in this forum.

Any posts found breaking these rules will be deleted.
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