2006 (Jan) 9-3 Vector 150bhp. Bampton Oxon. £400-£500

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Geoff R
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Posts: 60
Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2016 6:06 pm
Car Models: 9 3 2.0t Convertible, 1951 Singer 9 Roadster

2006 (Jan) 9-3 Vector 150bhp. Bampton Oxon. £400-£500

#1 Post by Geoff R »

On behalf of Alistair Wray

The car has just completed a run to Northumberland, a round trip of 500 miles, and returned 40 miles per gallon. Here’s what he says about it:

My Saab RN55EXR
9.3 Vector 150BHP 4 door saloon; petrol; manual; silver.
I bought the car as a showroom model with 360 miles on clock; now has 172,000 on clock. History and service records available. MOT until 11 October 2024. Basic mechanics (engine, gearbox etc) are fine and car runs well but there are various minor problems mostly linked to computer control system (petrol gauge, alarm, cabin heating/aircon, engine warnings etc). These can be ignored but are mildly annoying. I would like this car to go to a Saab enthusiast. It has been much loved and if anyone would like to take this car on either as a run-around, or an upgrade project or just for spares, please contact me. Offers between £400-500 before end of August please.
Alistair Wray
Tel: 077545 19559
Email: alistairwray@hotmail.com
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